Friday 18 November 2011

37 in 37 years

37 in 37 years

1. Married the guy on my wish list
2.Gave birth twice
3. Have Three wonderful children
... 4. Was in a Levi's poster, bill board, tv commercial and voiced a radio commercial,
5. Went sky diving
6. Learned to scuba-dive
7. Drove standard , taught someone else to drive standard
8. Knee boarded, backwards
9. Was the card girl at a boxing match, aired all across Canada
10. Flew in a ultralight plane, while sitting on the gas tank in the back
11. Went swimming in the dark by myself
12. Went to a movie by myself
13. Bought a house!
14. Went from making min wage to a great wage in 3 years
15. Got off welfare
16. Painted some great paintings, had small art show in a store
17. Quit smoking, and started running
18. Took some great photos, had my first photo shoot
19. Actually graduated from high school, after attending 5 different high schools
20. Went on a road trip by myself
21. Went ice fishing, cleaned my own fish
22. Opened my own hair salon
23. Drove across Canada , a few times
24. Camped across Canada
25. Saw whales in the ocean up close
26. Kayak in Florida
27. Took my girls to their first concert
28. Served beer to very weird people up in northern Ontario
29. Jumped in the snow after a sauna
30. Fell down, got back up..lots
31. Went to a church my grandpa built, and preached at, he was not a
32. Climbed a 60ft tower along the edge in rubber boots
33. Drove a three wheeler,ski- doo, and boat without crashing
34. Sang Karaoke on a cruise ship
35. Made hundreds and hundreds of floral arrangements and bridal bouquets
36. M C a seniors singing competition
37. Read too many self help books, but I learned a few things

Thursday 13 October 2011

wow 11 weeks!!!!

Tennyson is now 11 weeks, the first month was crazy hard, he was so hungry so breast feeding was so challenging, I unfortunately had to stop... this has now led us to trying out four different types of formula...We are now using a hypoallergenic formula, as we are sure Tennyson is allergic to milk. Now on his second day with the new formula he has slept through the night from 9 to 5am and is not as constipated,,thank goodness WOOO HOOO.

Tennyson also holds his head up, and tries to talk making funny sounds, he is without a doubt the cutest baby in the world. ( i think so)

The girls have been so helpful, and Ryan is amazing!!!

Time is going by fast, I love the fact that I now can sleep a full 6hours.. thank GOD!!, I feel good, I starting running again as I would like to fit back into my jeans,, soon......

Life is good, everyone is adjusting just fine, and Tennyson is truly a amazing baby.
baby, 11 weeks

Tuesday 9 August 2011


Tennyson Rayn White only minutes young, 
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

 Monday July 25 at we went to Kelowna General Hospital,we arrived at 8am only to be turned away due to priority..we waited and waited, went out for sushi which later we find out was a bad idea.. (due to gas)!! lol, but we call ahead and at 3:45 and we are asked to come in as they are ready to start our induction. We are being induced by a application of gel as we are one week over our due date......At about 6pm things are not feeling great my contractions are all in my back and they are one after the other, (the gel is working), but i feel horrible, I'm in so much pain , crying and yelling. I have now scared two new moms waiting in the next 8pm I have had enough, sweating, shaking and puking~ i ask for a epidural... 45 mins later ..I fall in love with the anesthesiologist, THANK GOD FOR PAIN MEDS!!!!! I now am able to have a rest but I am freezing and shaking so the nurses bring hot blankets to cover me ~ after about a half hour I feel the urge to push~and at 10:15pm I have pushed and screamed ready to faint and then a TEN POUND TWO OUNCE Tennyson joins the 10:45 OMG!! 10 pounds!!!wow,

Tennyson looked so big already, he had rolls and a very good cry. Ryan cut the umbilical cord and was there helping him get adjusted to his new surroundings. I could not believe it was all over, the pain was gone and I immediately felt unbelievable joy and was completely over whelmed with so much love..xox

After a shower and a few stitches, we went back to our room. We just stared at this little miracle, we couldn't stop staring,.. by midnight or so we went to sleep, with Tennyson there by our side all peaceful.  

 After all those months and all the pain, he was here and we couldn't be happier. You forget the pain,( breifly) when you see your baby for the first time, and when the doctors placed him on my belly just moments after given birth, and I looked down to see this baby, crying and unbelievable so beautiful, your heart instantly fills with so much love~xo

Happy Birthday Tennyson, 
glad to finally meet you

love Mom

Friday 22 July 2011

new TITLE 41 weeks

I am now over 41 weeks, my fundal measurement is measuring 45cm.. what that means is when this baby comes out he will be looking for the fridge for food!!!lol

I get induced on Monday, but they will just give the gel, and send me home.... this is driving me crazy, I know he is one BIG baby and he needs to come out of Hotel Uterus and meet the family,... maybe that's why he's staying in

Time will tell, I say a little , no big prayer every night to just go into labour....what can you do?? wait wait and wait... I do know that he will be here by Wed July 27th at the latest...but until, then it is up to the universe, stars, powers to be, and Tennyson~ohhh please come soon........


Monday 18 July 2011

Dear Tennyson

Dear Tennyson,

It has been 9 full months soon to be ten months of anticipation. I can't wait to meet you , see you , smell you and hold you. It has been a long 10 months, but we probably needed all that time to get prepared and of course you needed that time to grow and grow.....and grow....

You have two older sisters awaiting your arrival, they already want to spoil you and just love you to pieces. They can't wait to show you off to their friends. Your Dad is excited, and ready to meet you, as he has watched you move and kick for months now. We also have two cats that I'm sure will be very interested in you....There are so many people waiting to just LOVE you, and hold you.

It has been a long time since there was a baby around the house..... your sisters are twelve going on twenty five, but are still very young at heart. They will be a big help, like your second moms that is until Glee is back on T, There are so many great relatives you'll meet, some you'll probably never meet, but they are all waiting to love you......

Your Dad has never done this before, but I know he'll be just fine. I have not done this before with so much help, I'm looking forward to just taking it all in with ease and calmness....I have so much help and love.

   Tennyson your Birthday is coming up, I'm not too sure what day yet, but I know it will be a big celebration, just be prepared for a ton of love and affection, cause you are going to be SOO LOVED!!!XOXOX

Can't wait for your Birthday, I'll see you soon

 Love Mom XOXOXO

Monday 6 June 2011

May- the count down.....

30 weeks
  It is so great to be  at home to relax... the girls have even commented "mom you're so much happier" I guess the stress was showing... Working full time raising kids and keeping a house "Krista Clean"  it's hard work...but I now have more time for the important 

                                                                                                  The girls started horseback riding lessons and they love it!!! they have to work at the ranch in exchange for half price lessons, we also bought a RV to camp in and we went on our first RV trip to Canyon Hot Springs, what a beautiful place.


 Life is GOOD, we found out it is going to be a boy and we are going to name him Tennyson Rayn White. He moves allot, I have now gained 30 pounds in total, I'm 150 pnds..

FEELING Large!!!

I'm feeling so large, but I have to stop and tell myself that "I'M BEAUTIFUL"

Thursday 2 June 2011

14-26 weeks


I'm now over the 3 month mark, feeling and starting to look pregnant,  and ready to relax in Florida with Papa and the Family.

WOW those first few months were brutal... but now it's February and I feel great. I have gained about 15 pounds,, eeee but I was so sick in the first trimester that I just couldn't work out, but now I am starting to run again and lift light weights. I am HUNGRY!!! all the time, I love grease, chocolate and anything cold... YUM!

Our trip was good, we went on a cruise to the Bahamas, and hung out with Shelly and my dad, the time went by fast.. I did get really sick in Seattle and Ryan and the girls had me quarantined to the room, after my puke fest was over we drove home.

The girls started snow boarding, and I started eating...Ryan celebrated his 35th B-day and things are great, but my job was not liking the fact that I was pregnant, and things were getting pretty tough and very negative.....

April ~
I went on maternity leave early  for the safety of my baby.....and that was the best decision I ever made. I was now able to relax at home and move forward in a positive direction and take care of myself. Ry and I had a date night, we went to see Sarah McLachlan, and it was awesome!!!

We went to Calgary for Easter to visit family and friends, we shopped allot and ate allot, it was great to see everyone..

23 weeks

1-14 weeks...YUCK!

November 2010..THE FIRST 3 MONTHS

 After 3 pregnancy test and Ryan having a few (MANY) beer, we came to the realization and acceptance "WE ARE HAVING A BABY"

It has been 11 years since was prego, as we have twin girls, who could not be more excited about the news...they took it better then us!

So now 40 weeks of being prego......due in July, at this point we are worried if it's twins again, or complications as I am over they say.. Geri MOM ! ....

I felt sick and soooo tired, worried and anxious, waiting for test results and feeling scared....

After weeks of waiting, all of the results came back and everything was going to be just fine.. ahhhhh we could ((((breathe))))))