Monday 6 June 2011

May- the count down.....

30 weeks
  It is so great to be  at home to relax... the girls have even commented "mom you're so much happier" I guess the stress was showing... Working full time raising kids and keeping a house "Krista Clean"  it's hard work...but I now have more time for the important 

                                                                                                  The girls started horseback riding lessons and they love it!!! they have to work at the ranch in exchange for half price lessons, we also bought a RV to camp in and we went on our first RV trip to Canyon Hot Springs, what a beautiful place.


 Life is GOOD, we found out it is going to be a boy and we are going to name him Tennyson Rayn White. He moves allot, I have now gained 30 pounds in total, I'm 150 pnds..

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