Tuesday 9 August 2011


Tennyson Rayn White only minutes young, 
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

 Monday July 25 at we went to Kelowna General Hospital,we arrived at 8am only to be turned away due to priority..we waited and waited, went out for sushi which later we find out was a bad idea.. (due to gas)!! lol, but we call ahead and at 3:45 and we are asked to come in as they are ready to start our induction. We are being induced by a application of gel as we are one week over our due date......At about 6pm things are not feeling great my contractions are all in my back and they are one after the other, (the gel is working), but i feel horrible, I'm in so much pain , crying and yelling. I have now scared two new moms waiting in the next bed....by 8pm I have had enough, sweating, shaking and puking~ i ask for a epidural... 45 mins later ..I fall in love with the anesthesiologist, THANK GOD FOR PAIN MEDS!!!!! I now am able to have a rest but I am freezing and shaking so the nurses bring hot blankets to cover me ~ after about a half hour I feel the urge to push~and at 10:15pm I have pushed and screamed ready to faint and then a TEN POUND TWO OUNCE Tennyson joins the world..at 10:45 OMG!! 10 pounds!!!wow,

Tennyson looked so big already, he had rolls and a very good cry. Ryan cut the umbilical cord and was there helping him get adjusted to his new surroundings. I could not believe it was all over, the pain was gone and I immediately felt unbelievable joy and was completely over whelmed with so much love..xox

After a shower and a few stitches, we went back to our room. We just stared at this little miracle, we couldn't stop staring,.. by midnight or so we went to sleep, with Tennyson there by our side all peaceful.  

 After all those months and all the pain, he was here and we couldn't be happier. You forget the pain,( breifly) when you see your baby for the first time, and when the doctors placed him on my belly just moments after given birth, and I looked down to see this baby, crying and unbelievable so beautiful, your heart instantly fills with so much love~xo

Happy Birthday Tennyson, 
glad to finally meet you

love Mom

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