Friday 22 July 2011

new TITLE 41 weeks

I am now over 41 weeks, my fundal measurement is measuring 45cm.. what that means is when this baby comes out he will be looking for the fridge for food!!!lol

I get induced on Monday, but they will just give the gel, and send me home.... this is driving me crazy, I know he is one BIG baby and he needs to come out of Hotel Uterus and meet the family,... maybe that's why he's staying in

Time will tell, I say a little , no big prayer every night to just go into labour....what can you do?? wait wait and wait... I do know that he will be here by Wed July 27th at the latest...but until, then it is up to the universe, stars, powers to be, and Tennyson~ohhh please come soon........


Monday 18 July 2011

Dear Tennyson

Dear Tennyson,

It has been 9 full months soon to be ten months of anticipation. I can't wait to meet you , see you , smell you and hold you. It has been a long 10 months, but we probably needed all that time to get prepared and of course you needed that time to grow and grow.....and grow....

You have two older sisters awaiting your arrival, they already want to spoil you and just love you to pieces. They can't wait to show you off to their friends. Your Dad is excited, and ready to meet you, as he has watched you move and kick for months now. We also have two cats that I'm sure will be very interested in you....There are so many people waiting to just LOVE you, and hold you.

It has been a long time since there was a baby around the house..... your sisters are twelve going on twenty five, but are still very young at heart. They will be a big help, like your second moms that is until Glee is back on T, There are so many great relatives you'll meet, some you'll probably never meet, but they are all waiting to love you......

Your Dad has never done this before, but I know he'll be just fine. I have not done this before with so much help, I'm looking forward to just taking it all in with ease and calmness....I have so much help and love.

   Tennyson your Birthday is coming up, I'm not too sure what day yet, but I know it will be a big celebration, just be prepared for a ton of love and affection, cause you are going to be SOO LOVED!!!XOXOX

Can't wait for your Birthday, I'll see you soon

 Love Mom XOXOXO