Thursday 2 June 2011

14-26 weeks


I'm now over the 3 month mark, feeling and starting to look pregnant,  and ready to relax in Florida with Papa and the Family.

WOW those first few months were brutal... but now it's February and I feel great. I have gained about 15 pounds,, eeee but I was so sick in the first trimester that I just couldn't work out, but now I am starting to run again and lift light weights. I am HUNGRY!!! all the time, I love grease, chocolate and anything cold... YUM!

Our trip was good, we went on a cruise to the Bahamas, and hung out with Shelly and my dad, the time went by fast.. I did get really sick in Seattle and Ryan and the girls had me quarantined to the room, after my puke fest was over we drove home.

The girls started snow boarding, and I started eating...Ryan celebrated his 35th B-day and things are great, but my job was not liking the fact that I was pregnant, and things were getting pretty tough and very negative.....

April ~
I went on maternity leave early  for the safety of my baby.....and that was the best decision I ever made. I was now able to relax at home and move forward in a positive direction and take care of myself. Ry and I had a date night, we went to see Sarah McLachlan, and it was awesome!!!

We went to Calgary for Easter to visit family and friends, we shopped allot and ate allot, it was great to see everyone..

23 weeks

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