Thursday 13 October 2011

wow 11 weeks!!!!

Tennyson is now 11 weeks, the first month was crazy hard, he was so hungry so breast feeding was so challenging, I unfortunately had to stop... this has now led us to trying out four different types of formula...We are now using a hypoallergenic formula, as we are sure Tennyson is allergic to milk. Now on his second day with the new formula he has slept through the night from 9 to 5am and is not as constipated,,thank goodness WOOO HOOO.

Tennyson also holds his head up, and tries to talk making funny sounds, he is without a doubt the cutest baby in the world. ( i think so)

The girls have been so helpful, and Ryan is amazing!!!

Time is going by fast, I love the fact that I now can sleep a full 6hours.. thank GOD!!, I feel good, I starting running again as I would like to fit back into my jeans,, soon......

Life is good, everyone is adjusting just fine, and Tennyson is truly a amazing baby.
baby, 11 weeks

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