Friday 22 July 2011

new TITLE 41 weeks

I am now over 41 weeks, my fundal measurement is measuring 45cm.. what that means is when this baby comes out he will be looking for the fridge for food!!!lol

I get induced on Monday, but they will just give the gel, and send me home.... this is driving me crazy, I know he is one BIG baby and he needs to come out of Hotel Uterus and meet the family,... maybe that's why he's staying in

Time will tell, I say a little , no big prayer every night to just go into labour....what can you do?? wait wait and wait... I do know that he will be here by Wed July 27th at the latest...but until, then it is up to the universe, stars, powers to be, and Tennyson~ohhh please come soon........


1 comment:

Larabear said...

When I was induced they did the Cervidil Tab. Were you induced with the twins? I liked the fact that the tab could be pulled out once labour started. I've never been given the gel (obviously) but I know people who didn't like it because it kept the contractions coming on strong and fast, whereas, the tab had them coming strong and once it was out it came back gradually. I'm sure either way your labour shall be quick as it's your "third" . He just needs a little nudge...MEN!